17 Years Online Results Coaching

Dear CEO's, COOs, CFOs, GMs, HR Pros of small/medium companies...
Dear CEO's, COOs, CFOs, GMs, HR Pros:
The next wave in HR is for smart companies to provide innovative systems to grant increased job satisfaction for their employees, to boost retention and performance. The current challenges for leaders include absenteeism, sick days, high turnover and negative workplace attitudes - you know these all too well.
What if there were a realistic way to increase your employees’ productivity by >10-20% overall?
You likely have been reading ever more articles about the payoff from providing life-coaching to employees, from successful companies like: Facebook, LinkedIn, Salesforce, Capital One, Square, Logitech, Buffalo Wild Wings, Zappos and many more.
As you know, workers are measurably more productive when they are happier, healthier and enjoy better relationships. That’s exactly what we can do for your company.
My name is Marcus Geier, Master Mindset Strategist, and I am a proven expert life and business coach. I’d like my company to work directly with your company as your employees’ coach, to boost the happiness, satisfaction, enthusiasm, health and overall quality of life for your workers to make them more productive, loyal, and to significantly reduce absenteeism, sick days, and turnover. Shifting the workplace mindset, with the right strategies, creates healthier and more positive employees, in turn, creating a more successful business.
“ROI on life coaching is said to be higher than that from many other investments into the people who work at a company.” [linkedin.com/pulse]
Please contact me now for a conversation to explore how we may work together.
I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to speak with you soon!
Thank you.

3,300+ coaching sessions > 98.7% WOW rate
You too deserve the very best expert business coaching.
Your results matter.


Why Marcus

Marcus was Chief Strategic Business Analyst and in-house coach at a premier international business coaching organization, conducting focused coaching sessions for clients in 47 countries.
He completed well over 3,300 coaching sessions with a 98.7% WOW rate with an average score of 9.7/10.
His specialty areas include:
Strategic Marketing (CEO)
Strategic Branding
Strategic Thinking,
Strategic Planning
Creative Strategic Ideas,
Business Plans
and most importantly - Mindset.
Marcus was an award-winning university professor and taught over 357 business classes (5,000+ students) during the past 13 years on subjects including....
(Continued on About Me page)

How I will
Help You...

Release your inner Super-Hero!
Gain Clarity - Your "WHAT" and "WHY"
Get a Blueprint! - Your "HOW"
The fast, easy way!
The world has changed.
The success-formula has changed.
You must know the new rules.
The old ways don't work any longer and you know that.
We have a totally unique and proprietary system to transform any business owner into the dominator of his or her industry, quickly, easily and effectively.
We turn business people into enterprise super-heros.
I'll position you for the future.
Sustainable success. Stay ahead of the trends. Be the industry leader.
Invest in yourself with guaranteed returns!
All success is founded on correct mindset.
All problems are the result of incorrect mindset.
You must know the rules.
Mindset is a teachable science.
Success depends on your dominant subconscious beliefs - 100%.
We have simple, easy and fast reprogramming methods.
We empower you into the super-hero of your own life.
Never again feel weak, ineffective, confused or insecure!
Sustainable success.
Invest in yourself with guaranteed returns!
The direct route to your dreams.
By-pass 3D process.
Know the rules of the game - with Certainty!
Live in the FLOW - always.
- Succeed brilliantly.
- Satisfaction, legacy, fulfillment, health, wealth, and love.
Invest in yourself with guaranteed returns!
750+ Testimonials!

"Hi Marcus,
Just wanted to let you know that we closed our first investor that was not family or a friend today for £100,000. We can say, with all honesty, it would have never happened without all your coaching. Ultimately, the word trust was used to explain why they came on board.
With that out of the way, we will now go after £1,000,000 with complete clarity and certainty next week when we're in _____.
Thanks for believing in us and keeping us pointed at the goal."
Matthew & Nadia
"it would have never happened without all your coaching."

"Marcus, you are absolutely extraordinary!! You exponentially exceed any expectations I ever have on any call!"
Tracy S.

"...I only wonder how my business has survived this far, without all the great things you've just shared with me."
Christelle H.

"...Its been a really 'lights on' discussion, where suddenly everything clicked into place and makes sense."
Steve T

The ONLY Book You Need to Read RIGHT NOW!
All services are guaranteed to be fun, fascinating and transformational.
Services For youR Business
For Companies: Motivate + retain your employees. Increase productivity by 20%+.
Services For you

Business Coaching
45-minute sessions
1] A sound, sustainable business strategy is absolutely essential! A clear Blueprint is next. Let's bring clarity and fresh ideas to position your business for long-term, sustainable growth.
2] Coaching specifically focused on branding, marketing, website design, marketing channels, masterminding ideas, strategizing best business positioning. With top international business coach, Marcus Geier.
3] Learn the real fundamentals of Negotiation, Motivation, Influence, Sales, Marketing. Coaching specifically focused on how to effectively influence other people. It's not what everybody says!
...personally with top international business coach, Marcus Geier.

Success Mindset Coaching
45-minute sessions
Mindset is the foundation of all success. These 45-minute sessions focus on your business (and personal) goals, including coaching as needed to move you forward with your career, or business.
It all starts with clarity, as expressed in YOUR strategic vision for your life that we will co-create.
Personalized one-on-one mindset coaching with Metaphysical Guru, Marcus Geier.

Metaphysical Instruction
45-minute sessions
Metaphysics is simply the most direct route to all success.
Money, health and awesome relationships are merely a by-product of metaphysical clarity.
Learn the rules of the game (structured thinking from the correct fundamental premise) to get the results you REALLY want. They are much simpler and more direct than you imagined!
With Metaphysical Philanthropist, Marcus Geier.
Success Autopilot Program!
20-minute sessions x 2/mo
Commit right now to the best, most productive 6 months of your life! Ever!
Subscribe for 1/2 year for MAXIMUM momentum (with accountability).
We will boost your Clarity+Desire+Certainty
to reach any goal you choose.
2x/month - 20-minute coaching sessions with accountability and continuous guidance, tools and answers.
This makes success as absolutely effortless as possible.
Place your growth on auto-pilot NOW! $75/session. (2 sessions/month for 6+ months).

Inspirational, Motivational Speaking
Marcus is a highly inspiring and motivating speaker with the ability to excite and energize your team or audience.
Provide your group with tools, techniques, information that they will actually use to transform their lives.
Be the super-hero who brought Marcus to them!

Customized Business Coaching
TBD-minute sessions
We will joyfully customize a program for you and your business.
This could include group coaching with a curriculum, webinars, live talks, inspiration, motivation, tools, blueprints, and everything needed to grow as quickly as possible.
We'll create a compelling vision for your business and have everyone buy into it.
We'll provide you (and your staff) with BluePrints for laser-focused productivity.